My little girl has gone to camp. I'm not really sure how all of this has come together. I guess it was that her friends were going, and she really wanted to go, and she loved camp with a school group last spring, and she WANTED to go biking, hiking and camping. (This is my girl that usually just wants to go to the library.)
So, she's off to camp. There was such a flurry of activity in accumulating all of the things that she'll need, getting her packed (and re-packed) and checking (and double checking) that she had everything, that it feels like now that she's left, I have time to register the fact.
I've already sent her a sappy "I hope you are having the best time ever" letter. I don't want to say what I really feel: "I Miss You", in case that just makes her homesick and miserable.
I hope for my sake that this isn't how all of the growing up and letting go with be, but I have a feeling that it will be. A flurry of activity: I can see us hurriedly shopping for sheets for college, and us running late to drive her there, and all in a whoosh, there is the drop off and the good byes, and then there is me sitting in the car wondering what happened.
Any advice from anyone out there?
I bet she is having a blast but will also come home with more appreciation of mom! -From a mom who is so happy to see hers enjoying where they are, but then can be seen sobbing over the steering wheel while driving home on the interstates from those colleges.
oh, advice -- pick a fun thing to continue over the years. I send puns in the form of cards, gifts or just text messages. The more they make you groan the better! Now even the guys' friends look for puns to share with me! know I'm the worst at that kind of thing!!!! Good luck...of course she's having a blast!
She'll probably be too busy and tired to miss home, but I'm sure she'll be glad to be home when it's all over! Ellen will be happy to see her!
the linkwithin pic at the bottom of this post is Kevin with a bucket on his head...after that I lost track of what you were asking us!
Ha, ha, just kidding, but I don't have any advice. :)
I say go home, listen to some music you want to hear for a change, maybe watch a sappy movie and take a loooong bath.
As someone who has never been to camp and has no children, I can't imagine what you are going through. But, I am sure she is making some great memories at camp.
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