Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Make A St. Patrick's Day Card

My Mom really loves 4 leaf clovers.  She used to "sell" them to a neighbor lady when she was little. She'd earn a penny for any genuine 4 leaf clover that was given to the neighbor, and the neighbor stuffed her bible with 4 leaf clovers.

My mom had 4 kids, and I have 4 kids.  My mom told me once that each leaf of a lucky 4 leaf represented one of her kids.  I thought it would be cute to have each of my kids hold a green heart shape and have them form a 4 leaf clover with them. 

If you want to make one:
cut heart shapes out of green construction paper
hold them together to form a clover shape
take a photo
upload to a site like Picnik and edit
You don't have to have 4 kids: have one kid hold 2, or include yourself or the dog
it's fun and easy!

I plan to make these into cards or postcards to mail our family.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

1 comment:

the treat girl said...

oh my word!!! At first glance I was wondering how you got them to wear those hats!!!!!! HOW A.DOR.ABLE!!