Last night, as I was putting my boys in bed. I tucked the older, top bunker in, then for some reason, went to turn out the light before I tucked the little guy. As I was on my way to the light switch, he reminded me that I didn't give HIM a kiss goodnight. I turned around and explained that I was just turning off the light, and THEN I was going to tuck him and give him a kiss goodnight. As I was tucking him in, he said: " Oh, I thought you sold-ed MY kiss on Ebay!". If that doesn't speak volumes!
I have recently joined the Mom Bloggers, as you may have noticed. I decided to hold a contest for a pair of my signature interchangeable earrings (chocolate brown swarovski pearls on sterling silver leverbacks). Please send something funny that Your kid said this week. I will collect responses, (enter below by commenting) and whichever makes me laugh the most wins! I'll give you a week to collect your funny stories. We all need a good laugh.
oh, oh count me in. I blogged about something my 4 year old said this week.
The next Simon Cowell?
Superdad was singing in the dining room.
Lil O said ~ Stop singing.
Superdad ~ Why don't you want me to sing?
Lil O ~ Because you're not a good singer.
If I had been on top of things I would have said, "It's a little pitchy dog."
Michelle @ The Adventures of
Well, as always my 11 year old daughter and I have been having frequent talks about her body changing and things like that and what goes along with the responsiblity of having a figure means.
Well, just then, my 11 year old daughter decided to look at me and said "mommy, you know I love you, but there is one thing that I hope I am not cursed with because of you and that is having such large boobs".
I nearly died of embarrassment right then and there. All I could think of as a comeback was "sweet pea, then all I can say is make sure you wear your bra so that way they don't get droppy like mine".
Looking back to this talk last night, I guess I really didn't handle it too well. Now to rehash it tonight as we get ready for our bed time routine!
meant to add my email and blog to my previous post:
The other day my 4 year old twins and I were talking about giving compliments and how to say "thank you" instead of I know.
So we were practicing and I said something nice to them and they practiced saying "Thank you".
Then it was their turn. My son said "Mom that is a very nice big butt you have".....
Of course I said "Thank You"...and then walked out of the room to crack up.
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