Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day with Nice Notes

My older kids, grades 3 and 4, did not have the traditional Valentine's day celebrations at school this year. Sure, they made ice cream sundae's and had punch, but they exchanged "Nice Notes" instead if the traditional Valentines. Every child in class had to write a letter to every other kid, and the letter had to mention at least 2 compliments or qualities that my child found admirable.

The kids are becoming less intimidated by writing a letter, they are practicing their cursive writing, and they are learning the life lesson that even though not everyone is your favorite, everyone DOES have good qualities, (even if you have to look very hard.)

As a result, my son and daughter have a fist full of compliments from their peers, classmates and friends. I know that they will read and re-read them for a long time. What a great idea.


Jennifer Juniper said...

They should make a box to keep them in, it will be nice to look at those on a bad day :)

the treat girl said...

I think I need to do this with my husband!!!