We have been away for a few days just Gallivanting as my Mom would say. Visiting some relatives, taking bike rides, discovering new local places. A really fun few days, more on that later.
We got home and you know how the house is always a disaster when you come home, right? Well, yesterday was buckle-down and clean day. I was absolutely desperate to get the school papers off of the floor in my office. (They are in new stacks, but NOT gone.) General pick-up and clean-up were in order. I asked the kids to help/do their part since they made most of the mess. Funny how this registers in a kid's mind. I was sweeping through the kitchen and came across this:
Oh....and the kind of help I would give you would be to EAT all of the cookies down to where the lid would fit on nicely!!! :)That is why I go to the Y every day!!!
I'm with Treat Girl!! I would help her with cookie detail!!
Mark always wonders why I don't have the kids help out more than I do...maybe I'll forward this post!
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