I have been driving by this Barn Full of Treasure for years. Something about the furniture out front and the half off sign got me to stop this time. Let me just say, I had no idea. Just look at all of this beautiful stuff!
I have been keeping a close eye on all of you out there that can find a dirty old chair and reform it into an amazing centerpiece for a room. I kept thinking of all of you as I roamed the tiny stacked paths that wind through this place.
There was literally too much to take in all at once. I saw so much potential in so many things, I was overwhelmed. If you need something special, like a chair, or a dining set, or a dresser, or a table, AND, you live near or are travelling to South Western Pennsylvania, email me, and I'll give you the exact location. The possibilities are endless at this place.
I want to go there but I am no where close to PA. Can you see me pouting.
That place is like a dream! Too bad I don't live close to PA either :(
Did you end up getting anything?
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